Un article sur le CP90 de Myriam Corrmouls.
Bonne continuation et bons vols.
Le CP90 de Myriam Corrmouls
Le CP90 de Myriam Corrmouls
- Fichiers joints
- CP90_Rodez.pdf
- (98.23 Kio) Téléchargé 1156 fois
Un avion Piel, sinon rien ....
Re: Le CP90 de Myriam Corrmouls
L'avion vole depuis fin février
. Il a fait une trentaine d'heures depuis. On peut voir une mini-séance de voltige sur Youtube :
ou en faisant la recherche "CP90 Pinocchio voltige", au-dessus de l'aéroport de Rodez.
Ci-joint, la photo de sa première navigation : Rodez-Bouloc (terrain privé dans le 82)-Rodez.
A bientôt.
L'avion vole depuis fin février

ou en faisant la recherche "CP90 Pinocchio voltige", au-dessus de l'aéroport de Rodez.
Ci-joint, la photo de sa première navigation : Rodez-Bouloc (terrain privé dans le 82)-Rodez.
A bientôt.
- Fichiers joints
- première nav Pinocchio à Bouloc
- F-PPMC-mini.JPG (54.01 Kio) Vu 11038 fois
Re: Le CP90 de Myriam Corrmouls
I have placed questions on other threads but people are not on these pages always so I ask you also- I hope this is ok?
My questions
1/ Size of person in cockpit of Pinocchio? It does seem such a small and shallow fuselage, I am concerned my head will be hit canopy? I am 39cm from top of head to under my butt when I am seated.
2/ Aerobatic ability Pinocchio versus Beryl 750?
The tandem feature of Beryl is only small consideration for me. I usually fly solo. Perhaps it is good for any flight renewal examinations, but that is all.
I am hoping to commit to begin build very soon so important I make correct selection.
I see manufacture time estimated for respective machine is 1500 hours for Pinocchio and 2500 hour for Beryl so I am considering Pinocchio BUT I do not wish to spend all that time and then find Beryl is what I need.
If you can suggest other builders or owners to contact I would appreciate.
I have placed questions on other threads but people are not on these pages always so I ask you also- I hope this is ok?
My questions
1/ Size of person in cockpit of Pinocchio? It does seem such a small and shallow fuselage, I am concerned my head will be hit canopy? I am 39cm from top of head to under my butt when I am seated.
2/ Aerobatic ability Pinocchio versus Beryl 750?
The tandem feature of Beryl is only small consideration for me. I usually fly solo. Perhaps it is good for any flight renewal examinations, but that is all.
I am hoping to commit to begin build very soon so important I make correct selection.
I see manufacture time estimated for respective machine is 1500 hours for Pinocchio and 2500 hour for Beryl so I am considering Pinocchio BUT I do not wish to spend all that time and then find Beryl is what I need.
If you can suggest other builders or owners to contact I would appreciate.
Re: Le CP90 de Myriam Corrmouls
Je réponds un peu tard. Je vient de terminer la construction d'un deuxième avion (un Joker) et ça prends du temps.
En anglais approximatif, ça donne :
I just finished to build a second plane and it takes a very long time, so i give an answer after this a so long time.
The size of the canopy may be larger. I've done this, with easy material to find. I was inspired by the original CP20 build by Claude Piel.
You may do it with a mold. It will be smartier. But it's far more complicated, time consuming and expensive.
The more powerfull engine you can put on a CP90 is a Lycoming 108 HP, and it may be a little too heavy. Mine has a 100 HP Continental O-200.
It does'nt exist inverted oil system for the little Continental engine. You can do only positive aerobatics.
Despite of, the CP 90 has excellent performances on cruise (100 Kts at 24000 rpm) and in aerobatics (excels in keeping energy during upward ressources).
Estimated time to build is 3000 hours, like another planes from a set of plans. You may take less time if someone helps you.
I found CP 90 easier to build than the Joker. Plans are well detailed and principle of structure is well adaptated with little means of an amateur build, particulary the wing. Elliptic leading edge is a little detail in the whole structure and amount of work.
C'est peut-être un peu tard pour celui qui a posé la question, mais ça peut servir à quelqu'un d'autre.
Mon CP 90 vole toujours et j'ai bientôt mon troisième renouvellement de CNRA (9ans).
Bonne année 2023.
Je réponds un peu tard. Je vient de terminer la construction d'un deuxième avion (un Joker) et ça prends du temps.
En anglais approximatif, ça donne :
I just finished to build a second plane and it takes a very long time, so i give an answer after this a so long time.
The size of the canopy may be larger. I've done this, with easy material to find. I was inspired by the original CP20 build by Claude Piel.
You may do it with a mold. It will be smartier. But it's far more complicated, time consuming and expensive.
The more powerfull engine you can put on a CP90 is a Lycoming 108 HP, and it may be a little too heavy. Mine has a 100 HP Continental O-200.
It does'nt exist inverted oil system for the little Continental engine. You can do only positive aerobatics.
Despite of, the CP 90 has excellent performances on cruise (100 Kts at 24000 rpm) and in aerobatics (excels in keeping energy during upward ressources).
Estimated time to build is 3000 hours, like another planes from a set of plans. You may take less time if someone helps you.
I found CP 90 easier to build than the Joker. Plans are well detailed and principle of structure is well adaptated with little means of an amateur build, particulary the wing. Elliptic leading edge is a little detail in the whole structure and amount of work.
C'est peut-être un peu tard pour celui qui a posé la question, mais ça peut servir à quelqu'un d'autre.
Mon CP 90 vole toujours et j'ai bientôt mon troisième renouvellement de CNRA (9ans).
Bonne année 2023.
Re: Le CP90 de Myriam Corrmouls
J'oubliai de dire que son seul défaut est qu'il est monoplace. C'est pourquoi j'ai ensuite construit un biplace.