I am a Brazilian pilot and builder that thinks Mr. Claude Piel airplanes have the most elegant profile of them all.After seeing the picture of the Beryl 70 #01 tricycle plane I decided to write to you in hoping that a kind soul could enlighten me on this matter.
I have two question to any/all of you members of this forum. First - why, for the # 02 on, the Beryl 70 has a conventional landing gear? Second - are still there plans to build a Beryl 70 with the original tricycle gear?
I would be very gratifyed if any of you could throw some light on this subject.
Hi Sergio
Sorry for my late response. I know the CP 70 relatively well. I helped my father to finish the prototype rebirth. As you can see it, we have change the landing gear. Now it is a plane with a classical gear configuration. With his tricycle gear, it was an easy-to-land plane, like the majority planes one can find in each aero-club. Unfortunatly, the plans of the tricycle version is not aviable. When Claude Piel built his plane, he believed that nobody wanted to build the same aircraft. So, he invented this particular gear for the prototype only. That's why there is no plan. But when i'm going to see my grandmother, i will look for any sort of plan for this gear and i will send you an aviable plan if i find something. Ask me if you have the slightest question, even by private message. Read you soon.